Random Reminiscences of Men and Events by John D. Rockefeller - Table of Links

5 Sept 2022
Random Reminiscences of Men and Events, by John D. Rockefeller is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. Read this book online for free on HackerNoon!
Title: Random Reminiscences of Men and Events
Author: John D. Rockefeller
Release Date: November 18, 2005 [EBook #17090]
Language: English


Chapter I

  1. Some Old Friends
  2. Arguments Versus Capital
  3. The Joy of Achievement
  4. The Value of Friendships
  5. The pleasure of Road Planning

Chapter II

  1. The Difficult Art of Getting
  2. Starting at Work
  3. The First Loan
  4. Sticking to Business Principles
  5. Interest at 10 per cent
  6. A nimble borrower
  7. Raising church funds

Chapter III

  1. The Standard Oil Company
  2. The Modern Corporation
  3. The New Opportunities
  4. The American Business Man

Chapter IV

  1. Some experiences in the Oil Business
  2. Foreign Markets
  3. The Start of the Standard Oil company
  4. The Insurance Plans
  5. Why the Standard Pays Large Dividends
  6. A Normal Growth
  7. The Management of Capital
  8. Character the Essential Thing
  9. The Backus Purchase
  10. The Question of Rebates
  11. Pepe-lines vs. Railroads

Chapter V

  1. Other Business Experiences and Business Principles
  2. Nursing the Commercially Ill
  3. The Ore Mines
  4. Building the Ships
  5. Employing a Competitor
  6. A Landsman for Ship Manager
  7. Selling to the Steel Company
  8. Follow the Laws of Trade
  9. Panic Experiences

Chapter VI

  1. The Difficult Art of Giving
  2. Limitations of the Rich
  3. The best Philanthropy
  4. Disinterested Service the Road to Success
  5. The Generosity of Service
  6. Scientific Research
  7. The Fundamental thing in all help
  8. Some Underlying Principles

Chapter VII

  1. The Benevolent Trust- The Value of the Cooperative Principles in Giving
  2. Roman Catholic Charities
  3. The Appeals that come
  4. Institutions as they relate to each other
  5. The Claim of Higher Education
  6. Dr. William R. Harper
  7. The Reason for Conditional Gifts
  8. The Benevolent Trusts
About HackerNoon Book Series: We bring you the most important technical, scientific, and insightful public domain books.
This book is part of the public domain. John D. Rockefeller. (2005). Random Reminiscences of Men and Events. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved May 2005 from https://www.gutenberg.org/files/17090/17090-h/17090-h.htm
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