Philochristus: Memoirs of a Disciple of the Lord by Edwin Abbott Abbott - Table of Links

11 Oct 2023

Philochristus: Memoirs of a Disciple of the Lord by Edwin Abbott Abbott is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. Read this book online for free on HackerNoon!

Title: Philochristus: Memoirs of a Disciple of the Lord

Author: Edwin Abbott Abbott

Release date: April 30, 2015 [eBook #48843]

Language: English



  1. Of my childhood in Galilee; and how I gave myself wholly to the study of the Law.
  2. Of my doubts concerning the Law; and of the Patriots or Galileans; and of the expectation concerning John the son of Zachariah.
  3. Concerning the casting out of unclean Spirits; and of the nature of the Redemption of Israel; and how I first saw Jesus of Nazareth.
  4. Of the doctrine of John the Prophet, how it suited with the people of the land; and how I was baptized of the Prophet.
  5. Of the Greek philosophers in Alexandria; and how I had discourse with Philo the Alexandrine.
  6. How I found not salvation in the worship of the Temple; nor in the teachers of Galilee; nor in the Essenes; and how I first spake with Jesus of Nazareth.
  7. Of the Good News; and concerning the Kingdom of God; and how we desired of Jesus new laws.
  8. Of the New Law.
  9. How Quartus interpreted the New Law.
  10. How some desired Jesus to mix the New Law with the Old Law; and concerning the legion of swine; and how Jesus began to teach in parables.
  11. Concerning the new power of the Forgiveness of Sins.
  12. How the Forgiveness of Sins is the Key that openeth the New Kingdom; and how the Old Law and the New Law must not be mixed.
  13. Of the plotting of the Pharisees against Jesus, how they said he had a devil; and concerning the Holy Spirit.
  14. How John the Prophet doubted concerning Jesus; and concerning them that are “born of women;” and of the beheading of John the Prophet.
  15. How Jesus fled from Capernaum, and the Galileans at first fell away from him; and concerning the levy in Galilee; and of the visit of Jesus to Nazareth.
  16. How, after the death of John the Prophet, Jesus foresaw that he also must be slain; and of the Bread of Life, and the feeding of the five thousand; and concerning the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
  17. How Xanthias the Alexandrine said that the philosophy of Jesus aimed at the taking in of the Gentiles into the Kingdom, and at the enfranchisement of slaves; and how he found fault with Jesus for that he called himself the Son of man.
  18. Of signs in heaven; and concerning the healing of the Syrophœnician maiden, how Jesus seemed to gain thereby some new knowledge.
  19. How Jesus would work no sign in heaven; and concerning his temptation and wherefore he denied to work signs in heaven.
  20. How Jesus led us, in our exile, to the Rock of Salvation; and how he founded the Temple of his Congregation thereon; and how he gave the Key thereof to Simon Peter.
  21. How Jesus, having now determined to die, spake of that which was to come, with Moses and Elias, upon the Mount Hermon.
  22. Of our going up to Jerusalem; and of the division between parents and children; and how Jesus testified of a Day of Judgment.
  23. Of covetousness; and of fleeing from Death into Life; and concerning the Law of Retribution.
  24. Of the falling away of Judas of Kerioth; and of the Times and Seasons; and of the Chief Places in the Kingdom; and how Jesus did and said nothing except it were prepared for him by the Father.
  25. Concerning the fire of the Lord; and of the parables of watching; and of the Holy Spirit; and how Quartus urgeth that Jesus knew not all things beforehand.
  26. How Jesus went down to Jerusalem, as a king, to wage war against Satan in the Temple; and how he foresaw that the Temple must be cast down; and of the parable of the withered fig-tree.
  27. How Jesus prophesied of troubles, and of a great battle against Satan; and in the end the victory of the Son of man; but, first of all, his death.
  28. How Jesus, by his Testament, bequeathed himself to his disciples forever; and how he bare the sins of men in Gethsemane.
  29. Of the crucifixion of Jesus; and of his last words upon the cross.
  30. How the Holy Spirit, through much sorrow, prepared the disciples to behold Jesus risen from the dead; and of the vision of angels, which appeared first of all unto the women.
  31. How Jesus appeared ofttimes to his disciples; and how, after many days, he ascended up to heaven.
  32. How Jesus now ruleth the world, sitting on the right hand of the Father in heaven.

About HackerNoon Book Series: We bring you the most important technical, scientific, and insightful public domain books.

This book is part of the public domain. Edwin Abbott Abbott (2015). Philochristus: Memoirs of a Disciple of the Lord. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved

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