The Internet is built on programming languages. Nearly every webpage out there relies on at least one language to ensure its interface works perfectly. While many websites today use HTML to provide structure, PHP is one language that’s still quite popular for web development. Originally known as Personal Home Page Tools, PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is designed to provide webpages a greater degree of interactivity through the use of dynamic scripts. It is also implemented alongside other languages to assist in keeping websites stable, preventing errors from occurring on the user’s end. Any online developer should consider making use of PHP, and the best way for them to start is by checking out the 6 best PHP programming books based on Amazon reviews.
While PHP finds its greatest use in tandem with other languages, this list will only consider “compilation” books if one of their main focuses is on PHP itself. As always, this list will rank books based on their total number of reviews alongside their average 5-star rating. Notably, this list will also include many books on MySQL, as that language is very commonly used alongside PHP.
The 6 Best PHP Programming Books Ranked by Amazon Reviews
6. PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites (Fourth Edition) by Larry Ulman
PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites might be one of the more interesting choices for those getting used to web design. This resource is very positively-reviewed, but many reviewers acknowledge that there are numerous flaws within. There’s examples of redundant and sometimes outdated code, but it’s fantastic at providing the knowledge and terminology necessary for proper PHP development. There is a
Reviews: Out of 205 total reviews, 62% gave this book 5 stars
List Price: $44.99
5. Head First PHP & MySQL by Lynn Beighley and Michael Morrison
Head First PHP & MySQL is a more beginner-friendly take on the two languages. Many reviewers consistently praise it as perhaps the best resource for newcomers, especially in the context of PHP. This resource covers how these languages can be used on HTML websites, providing pointers on both dynamic interfaces and back-end security. Though its 5-star average is the lowest of all books on this list, there are numerous 3- and 4-star ratings from satisfied customers. While this resource might not be the most in-depth or complex, it’s a fantastic choice for aspiring programmers.
Those interested in this book should be aware that the digital version has some formatting issues. The pictures within can be difficult to view on any copy that isn’t physical, though it should still be usable for those that prefer the reduced price!
Reviews: Out of 223 total reviews, 55% gave this book 5 stars
List Price: $54.99 Paperback, $35.99 Digital
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4. PHP: The Complete Reference by Steven Holzner
Though it still covers a selection of other programming languages, this resource is designed solely for anyone wanting to learn about — and improve their skills with — PHP. PHP: The Complete Reference includes information that both beginners and advanced users can make great use of. True to its name, it also works as a great reference, making it suitable to pair alongside other resources.
Unfortunately, Steven Holzner’s offering on PHP is around 15 years old. It only covers an old, unsupported version of PHP. Even outside of its early publication date, many reviewers noted their disapproval at calling it a “complete” reference. This book still has some great material, but it’s hard to recommend to anyone looking for a more modern programming experience.
Reviews: Out of 227 total reviews, 64% gave this book 5 stars
List Price: $55.00
3. PHP and MySQL Web Development (4th Edition) by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson
PHP and MySQL Web Development is, put simply, a guide on how developers can use the two languages to create dynamic websites. The book covers basic and advanced methods of using PHP, including ways the programmer can utilize it alongside Ajax. Reviewers were overall very pleased with the content within, though some found issues with the digital version’s formatting.
This book is also very outdated, with its publication date reaching all the way back to 2008. There is a
Reviews: Out of 256 total reviews, 64% gave this book 5 stars
List Price: $54.99
2. PHP & MySQL: Server-side Web Development by Jon Duckett
This might not be the most popular item on this list, but PHP & MySQL: Server-side Web Development is perhaps the best. This offering by Jon Duckett is one of the most comprehensive PHP resources as well as one of the most recent. It practically teaches its readers how to create an entire functional website on their own, complete with account creation, comments, and image uploading. There’s few other resources that can teach PHP as effectively or efficiently, especially in the modern era.
The few criticisms of this resource include its lack of exercises. Some reviewers also noted how it’s probably best used by someone who’s already familiar with HTML or JavaScript, meaning it might be a good idea to use this book alongside another one that covers those topics.
Reviews: Out of 330 total reviews, 90% gave this book 5 stars
List Price: $45.00 Paperback, $52.00 Hardcover
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1. Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript (5th Edition) by Robin Nixon 
Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript forgoes any specialization to simply teach readers the best ways they can tackle web programming. Outside of PHP, this book also covers JavaScript, HTML, CSS, jQuery, and MySQL while also looking at differences between each language’s old and new versions. Despite this book also having a
Reviews: Out of 502 total reviews, 79% gave this book 5 stars
List Price: $49.99
What to Look For When Choosing The Best PHP Programming Book For You
Unfortunately, there are not many modern resources available for learning how to program using PHP. That’s why it might be helpful to look in other places that cover web development, such as